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AED Online Course
Approved by the Irish Heart Foundation and American Heart Association. The Heartsaver Automated External Defibrillator (AED) online course is suitable for both members of the public and employees who wish to learn how to provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and how to use an AED. The course is recognised by the IHF and AHA and comes with two years certification following the programme’s successful completion.
The Heartsaver CPR AED Online Course is the eLearning portion of the Heartsaver CPR AED Blended Learning Course and teaches information needed for CPR AED training. Upon completion of the online portion, learners must complete a hands-on session with an Irish Heart Foundation Instructor. The skills learned in this course will help you recognise cardiac arrest, get emergency care on the way quickly, and help a person until emergency medical services arrive.
The AED Online Course has been updated to reflect new science from the 2015 AHA Guidelines for CPR & ECC. The programme combines an online e-learning module with a practical hands-on skills training session followed by an assessment with a Heartsaver AHA instructor. Phoenix STS is an approved training site for the IHF. We train with the ZOLL AED 3 trainer to give you real-life training experience.
Who should take this course?
The Heartsaver AED online course is designed for anyone with limited or no medical training who could help to save a life and may need a recognised course completion card in the use of an AED.
Course Completion Card and Certificate
- A certificate of completion is available to print when the online portion has been completed successfully
- For greater success, it is recommended that the hands-on skills session be conducted shortly after completing the online portion
- Upon successful completion of both the online and hands-on portions of the course, learners will receive a Heartsaver AED course completion card (print or eCard), valid for two (2) years
- Describe how high-quality CPR improves survival
- Explain the concepts of the Chain of Survival
- Recognize when someone needs CPR
- Perform high-quality CPR for an adult
- Describe how to perform CPR with help from others
- Give effective breaths using mouth-to-mouth or a mask for all age groups
- Demonstrate how to use an AED on an adult
- Perform high-quality CPR for a child*
- Demonstrate how to use an AED on a child*
- Perform high-quality CPR for an infant*
- Describe when and how to help a choking adult or child
- Demonstrate how to help a choking infant*
*Child and infant modules are optional.
The duration is approximately 2 hours our price includes your practical assessment in our training centre. For a full list of all of our online courses, please click here
- Learners have the convenience of completing the course at their own pace at work, home, or wherever Internet access is available
- Can be used for initial or renewal training
- Includes interactive exercises and videos to engage learners and provide periodic points of knowledge transference
- Certificate of completion available to print when the online portion has been completed successfully
- Learners have access to all information in the online course for 24 months after activation of their key to help reinforce what they have learned
- Includes audio and transcript for any of our students who may have a hearing or visual disability
- Screen and text-sized options help meet diverse learning needs
- Navigation controls provide students with the flexibility to move easily through content and customize their personal learning experience
Recommended System Requirements
- Browser: Up to date web browser
- Video: Up to date video drivers
- Memory: 1Gb+ RAM
- Download Speed: Broadband (3Mb+)
2 Hours (Note: This is based on the amount of video content shown and is rounded off. It does not account in any way for loading time or thinking time on the questions).