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Training Available
Provided By PhoenixSTS
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ZOLL Defibrillators
Dedicated to improving resuscitation outcomes and contributing to life, living, and safety around the world.

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Irelands online provider of healthy & safety equipment to businesses and organisations large or small.
This website is operated by Phoenix STS, a full service health & safety training & consultancy business. In addition to providing a range of equipment, we provide training and consultancy to ensure your staff or team members are safe and sound.
Wide Range Of Brands
We are agents for Zoll, Ruth Lee, and a range of top class safety equipment companies.
World Class Customer Service
We provide training and support for all services and brands who's products we sell.
Dependable When It Matters Most
We provide the highest quality safety products to give everyone the best chance at safety & recovery.
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History Of Hospital Aids
Hospital Aids – Over 30 years in the making and still going strong.Growing demand for evacuation products is being driven by a combination of two

What Is The Chain Of Survival?
At ZOLL®, our aim is to improve patient outcomes with innovative resuscitation and acute critical care technology. Our medical products and software solutions help clinicians, EMS and fire professionals, lay

Defibrillation: What is its purpose?
ZOLL® offers many clinically advanced manual monitor/defibrillators and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to help improve survival outcomes for victims of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and other heart arrhythmias.

Improving survival rates with High Quality CPR
When someone experiences sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), survival depends on bystanders quickly intervening to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and other lifesaving measures until emergency medical services

Sudden Cardiac Arrest
What Is Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)? Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is an electrical disturbance in the heart that prevents it from beating properly. During