We also offer comprehensive finance plans for essential life safety equipment. These plans allow you to conveniently spread the cost of critical safety equipment over time, ensuring affordability while prioritising the utmost safety and compliance.

Learning Resources

What Is The Chain Of Survival?

At ZOLL®, our aim is to improve patient outcomes with innovative resuscitation and acute critical care technology. Our medical products and software solutions help clinicians, EMS and fire professionals, lay

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Cardiac Arrest

Defibrillation: What is its purpose?

ZOLL® offers many clinically advanced manual monitor/defibrillators and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) to help improve survival outcomes for victims of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) and other heart arrhythmias.

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Sudden Cardiac Arrest

  What Is Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)? Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is an electrical disturbance in the heart that prevents it from beating properly. During

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