We also offer comprehensive finance plans for essential life safety equipment. These plans allow you to conveniently spread the cost of critical safety equipment over time, ensuring affordability while prioritising the utmost safety and compliance.

Portable Fire Extinguishers

Due to the size & complexity of this product, this particular product is not listed with a price. To discuss purchasing this product, please enquire through the form below.

Irish Standard 291:2015 which governs the Selection, Commissioning, Installation, Inspection and Maintenance of portable fire extinguishers was revised in August of 2015.

Portable fire extinguishers (PFD’S) must be serviced at least once within every calendar year or more frequently where the environment, risks or other factors dictate so by a competent person. A competent person (can be from your organization) is also required to carry out a visual inspection at least monthly, all checks must be recorded in the Fire Safety Register.