
Duty Plus Training Manikin

You are introducing the Duty Plus Manikin, designed by Ruth Lee to be your perfect partner in various training scenarios. This manikin is ready for everything from confined space training to road traffic collision (RTC) extrication exercises and general handling training. With extra rigidity built into the neck, chest, and torso area, it acts more like a ‘conscious casualty’, adding a new dimension to your training. After customer feedback, Ruth Lee enhanced some features on their popular Duty Range manikin. This manikin is more ‘upright’ through the head and torso, making it a perfect ‘conscious casualty’ in Road Traffic Collision…


Features & Benefits

  • Compared to the standard Duty Range, this manikin has been designed to act as a ‘conscious casualty’ and is more rigid and upright in the head and chest area.
  • It is constructed with a plastic spine to help prevent ‘head flopping’, closed-cell foam in the back, and Polypropylene strips that run to the waist/ hip area, allowing flexibility and a more ‘upright’ position—perfect for sitting in vehicles, for example.
  • Anatomically correct weight distribution to give the ‘feel’ of a conscious casualty.
  • A webbing solid loop at the back allows easy handling, hauling of aloft, storage, and suspension for drying.
  • It is tough enough to withstand being buried under concrete or steel lintels, driven over by a 4×4 vehicle, or dropped from a second-floor window without damage.
  • Water-repellent material, making it suitable for wet or foul scenarios such as HAZMAT/CBRN.
  • Soft body joints eliminate the risk of pinch welts and bruising, common injuries when using plastic-bodied manikins.
  • An immobilisation/extrication collar can be fitted around the neck of the adult manikins to promote proper casualty care.
  • Using the shout-box feature (optional extra), you can personalise a recorded message up to 60 seconds, e.g., “Help, I can’t feel my legs…” which can be periodically repeated.
  • It comes with boots and overalls, which are easily replaced if damaged.

Who Uses Them?

This is a new product, and we anticipate it will be very popular with all our customers in the Fire and Rescue Service, Military, Police, Prison Service, and general industry.

Product Details

Available in various sizes and weights, from the 5kg Baby to the 90kg adult.

We also offer shorter adult manikins, which some of our customers often prefer. These are provided at 1.7 metres and 30Kg, 50Kg, and 70Kg. Alternatively, some shorter manikins are purchased when the trainer wants a manikin more representative of a female casualty.

Note: These manikins will withstand temperatures up to 100°C. We recommend using our Fire House training manikin above this temperature or where ‘flash-over’ may occur. The Duty model also has average weighting, so it should not be used in deep water. Use the Water Rescue dummy to float appropriately for deep water rescue scenarios.

Available Sizes

Name Code Height (m) Weight (kg) NATO Stock No
Baby RLN5 0.7 5 4240-99-8581987
Toddler RLN10 0.9 10 4240-99-0218800
Youth RLN20 1.3 20 4240-99-2130513
20Kg Adult RLN20A 1.8 20
30Kg Adult RLN30 1.8 30 4240-99-8525913
50Kg Adult (Best Seller) RLN50 1.8 50 4240-99-9771707
75Kg Adult RLN75 1.8 75
70Kg Adult (Best Seller) RLN70 1.8 70 4240-99-2416796
80Kg Adult RLN80 1.8 80 6910-99-858-3207
90Kg Adult RLN90 1.8 90 6910-99-850-7387
30Kg Adult (shorter) RLNO30 1.65 30
50Kg Adult (shorter} RLNO50 1.65 50
70Kg Adult (shorter) RLNO70 1.65 70


Duty Plus Training Manikin

Data Sheet

Manikin Certificate of Conformity


Manikin Equipment Note

Equipment Note

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