We also offer comprehensive finance plans for essential life safety equipment. These plans allow you to conveniently spread the cost of critical safety equipment over time, ensuring affordability while prioritising the utmost safety and compliance.

Payment Plans

At Phoenix STS, we value the safety of your staff and residents above all else. We even offer interest-free payment plans so that you can meet HIQA fire & safety standards (regulations 26 & 28) as quickly and as smoothly as possible. 

You can choose to spread the cost of your plan over 1, 2 or 3 years, with extra peace of mind that: 

✓ We’ll update your fire & safety documentation for FREE if legislation changes for up to 3 years

✓ All training courses are fixed at today’s prices for up to 3 years

✓ If you need more courses, you can add them to your contract at any time, at the same fixed price

✓ If you don’t use all available courses within your contract period, you can still use them up to a year after your contract expires

Want to Learn More?

Chat to a member of our expert team today to discuss payment plans for your nursing home. Simply fill out the form on the right to get in touch.