Author: marcupfront

  • What To Consider When Choosing An Online Course Provider

    What To Consider When Choosing An Online Course Provider

    Many companies provide training to their employees and this training will vary dramatically depending on the job requirements and responsibilities. Whilst these companies may all be offering different online courses, there is one thing that they all have in common; that they want their employees to be undertaking the best possible relevant course available.  These…

  • Health And Safety Training Courses That Various Industries May Require

    Health And Safety Training Courses That Various Industries May Require

    More often than not, all industries will require their workers to undergo specific training for them to do their job correctly and/or safely. It is highly likely that no matter which industry sector you work in or what your job entails, you will need to undertake at least one relevant training course during your time…

  • Paediatric First Aid Courses – The Importance Of And Who Can Benefit From Them

    Paediatric First Aid Courses – The Importance Of And Who Can Benefit From Them

    Nowadays, there is such a huge range of different first aid courses available for people to undertake and training providers supply both onsite and online courses. Depending on your specific needs relating to first aid courses, thankfully it is easy to find a course that is suitable for you and you can ensure that you’re…

  • The Undeniable Benefits Of Fire Prevention Training

    The Undeniable Benefits Of Fire Prevention Training

    Often, when thinking of fire training courses, many automatically think of learning how to use fire extinguishers and evacuation aids, yet this isn’t always the case. In today’s modern age, there is such a huge range of different training to undertake concerning fire and it isn’t uncommon for employers to be unaware of this. Of…

  • Everything You Need To Know About Ski Evacuation Pads

    Everything You Need To Know About Ski Evacuation Pads

    There are many different fire safety products that are used to assist during evacuations if there is an emergency. Whilst the majority of people will be unaware of these products and will just assume that these are things used by the fire department, they are frequently used by workers in specific industries to save lives. …

  • Commonly Used Evacuation Aids Everyone Should Know About

    Commonly Used Evacuation Aids Everyone Should Know About

    There is no denying that all businesses should have a fire safety plan/evacuation plan and it is incredibly beneficial to make sure all employees know exactly how they should proceed in the event of an emergency. More often than not, within these plans will be a mention of evacuation aids and unfortunately, many aren’t actually…

  • Different Business Skills Courses All Entrepreneurs Can Benefit From

    Different Business Skills Courses All Entrepreneurs Can Benefit From

    It goes without saying that starting your own business can be a huge step in your career. Undeniably, the whole process of doing so will be incredibly exciting yet very daunting at the same time and you will want to do all you can to give your business the best possible start. Whilst many entrepreneurs…

  • Which Industries Should Undertake A Manual Handling Course?

    Which Industries Should Undertake A Manual Handling Course?

    All workplaces throughout the Ireland & the UK have different requirements for their members of staff, and more often than not, employers will require their team to undertake specific training courses. While in each industry the courses required will differ, it is also likely that there will be a few courses that overlap across a…

  • Why More Employers Should Consider Undertaking A Stress Management Online Course

    Why More Employers Should Consider Undertaking A Stress Management Online Course

    In today’s modern age, stress is just considered to be a normal part of life and for many people, their stress is caused by many different factors. Having said this, one factor that many people say increased their stress levels, is their job. No matter what industry you work in, the company you work for…

  • The Importance Of Fire Awareness Training In Education

    The Importance Of Fire Awareness Training In Education

    When you work in an educational setting with children, it goes without saying that you have a duty of care for the little ones you look after. To ensure that you are doing all you can to protect the health and wellbeing of the children in your care, it is likely that your employer will…